General Liability

General liability is a very important type of insurance that helps to protect your company from third party claims for damage to someone’s property, bodily injury or associated medical costs. When these types of incidents occur, you’ll have peace of mind knowing that your company is protected, without having to deal with the financial stressors that come with being uninsured.

Why Your Company Needs General Liability Insurance

General liability can come in handy in a variety of instances, including:

  • A customer in your store trips over a cord in the middle of an aisle and injures themselves. They could make a bodily injury claim.
  • A customer at a mechanic gets their brakes replaced, and then gets into an auto accident afterwards due to their brakes failing. They could make a claim for their bodily injuries and auto damage if the brakes were installed incorrectly.
  • A construction company is clearing land for new homes to be built,and accidentally removes trees from a neighbor’s property. The homeowner could sue the company for the loss of their tree

General liability can also cover employees acting on behalf of the business.

Every scenario involving negligence is automatically protected by general liability insurance. Call Credo 1 Solutions today at (703) 803-8191 to be matched with the best solutions for your company. We proudly serve customers in Burke, Lorton, and surrounding areas of Northern Virginia.