Homeowners Insurance

Home insurance is an absolute necessity for any homeowner. At Credo 1 Solutions, we can tailor your home insurance to fit your individual needs. We have options to protect your home, your property, your guests, and more. This includes:

  • Insuring your home’s structure: How much of a deductible should you get? Do you only need to insure your home for the amount you bought it for? These are the questions that we help you answer, and build your home insurance policy around.
  • Guest medical insurance: When someone is injured inside of your home, it can lead to costly lawsuits. With guest medical insurance, part of your guests’ medical costs can be covered through insurance, which relieves some of the financial burden and stress for you.
  • Flood insurance: It’s essential to know the difference between protection from a flood, and covered water loss. We can explain the ins and outs of the Federal Government’s National Flood Insurance Program, and help you choose the right coverage to protect your home from water damage.

Homeowners Insurance is intended to cover someone from any potential losses such as burglaries, theft, severe storms, fires and personal liability. However, one will have to acquire separate policies to cover himself from natural disasters such as earthquakes and floods that could unknowingly strike. It is always recommended that you educate yourself on what your homeowners insurance plan covers. When you have home liability coverage, it can also protect you in the event that someone may be injured on your property.

Other liability insurance policies will also typically cover:

  • If your child throws a baseball through a window
  • Your dog bites a visitor in your home
  • A visitor is injured on your premises
  • A guest gets food poisoning from dinner at your home and requires hospitalization

If someone goes through with filing a liability claim against you, your insurance can pay for property repairs, as well as medical or funeral costs. Lawsuits can also be covered if the injured party chooses to initiate a legal process.

It is imperative and in your best interest that you discuss with your agent all of your liability coverage that makes the most sense for you to get and in which circumstances it will take effect. Also fully discussing deductibles and limits with your agent is encouraged as it gives you insight to what your risks and full coverage will be.This is also why homeowners insurance can be the safety net a family needs in order to be financially protected in times of accidents or natural disasters.

For more information regarding automotive Insurance in Virginia, Maryland, West Virginia, and District of Colombia, call (703) 803-8191 to speak to an insurance agent from Credo 1 Solutions today.